Kamis, 05 November 2015

And the wander continues..

Setelah mendengar apa yang pengajar gua mau bilang, rasa kecewa ini muncul.
After hearing what my teacher has to say, this disappointment becomes clear.

7 dari 10 perusahaan Jepang lainnya nggak milih satu pun peserta program ini di Indonesia.
The remaining 7 of 10 Japanese companies didn't choose even one Indonesian participant.

Biar gua udah berdamai dengan kemungkinan tidak dipanggil untuk wawancara kerja, kecewa, bahkan rasa bersalah, ini gara2 keadaan orang2 dekat gua.
Though I already made peace with possibility that I won't be invited to an interview, I took a look at my family's condition, and couldn't help but think of it as the reason behind this disappointment, and guilt.

Lumayan buat nambah CV. Terus apa?
One nice addition for my own CV. Now what?

"Pasti kepake lah ilmunya, belum saatnya aja", kah, "lumayan, dapat ilmu, sertifikat, gratis pula, di les2an bisa abis sebiaya kuliah lho!" adalah hiburan2 hati yg gua dapat atau bilang ke diri sendiri. Entah benar entah nggak, gua cuma bisa liat nanti.
"There has to be something that can be done with the knowledge I acquired here", "knowledge and certificate for free? Not bad. Elsewhere it could've cost quite a fortune!" I keep telling myself those just so I don't lose hope. Whether or not they're true, only time will tell.

Gimanapun, sepuluh bulan ini menyenangkan, dan gua berterima kasih.
Though, it has been fun ten months, and for it, I'm grateful.

Dan berlanjutlah pencarian kerja pengembaraan ini..
And the job searching wander continues..